> Is a lot of reconfiguration usually necessary when upgrading 2.64 to 3.0?
> thought I understood that 3.0 incorporated several of the rulesets that
> previously separate, and besides, I haven't removed any old rulesets yet
> anyway.

Some is necessary.  Shouldn't be a huge amount.

You need to muck with the assorted local.cf options that have changed name
and/or shape.
If you have a NATed host, you need to set up trusted networks.  (You should
have had it before, but  it is important now.)
You need to make sure that all of the spare Perl parts are the appropriate

And if you are running SARE rules, you will need to fiddle around a little
bit and make sure that you have a rule collection that is appropriate for

Of course you should run lint to make sure things are really working, and
probably also run spamassassin -D to make sure that all of your rule files
are getting picked up.


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