At 07:27 PM 2/3/2005, Henrik wrote:
I want the "X-Spam-Flag:" header to show either "yes" or "no" for spam resp. no-spam labeled emails, in all emails labeled as spam, there should be a full report in the email-header with the words that Spam Assassin reacted upon. In the present state Spam Assassin doesn't really label the emails at all. I'm adding the contents of my below. Note that with 2.6x, this configuration labeled all incoming emails as wanted.

if it labeled them all with a X-Spam-Flag header it was a bug..

add_header spam Flag _YESNO_

Right there you're explicitly telling it to only add a X-Spam-Flag header to spam, and therefore, not add it to nonspam.

I suspect you want this instead:

add_header              all Flag _YESNO_

auto_learn 1

replace that with bayes_auto_learn.

always_add_headers      1
spam_level_stars 1
use_terse_report 1
report_header 1
detailed_phrase_score 1

defang_mime 1

Please obliterate the above lines, they are all no longer valid. You've got some very outdated options there... detailed_phrase_score became deprecated with the release of version 2.50!

And be sure to run spamassassin --lint sometime, so you can see SA complain about all the invalid options in your configfiles!

rewrite_subject 0

These two have been replaced with rewrite_header. See the UPGRADE docs:

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