Hi all,

I'm new to this mailling lists and to SpamAssassin too.
In the past mounths, i have built severals smtp gatewas using the followings :
   - Postfix 2.13
   - Amavisd-new (The lastest Stable Version)
   - Clamav (0.80)
   - Mail::SpamAssassin (Lastest Version)

Every works great, no crash, memory and cpu consuming stable !!!

Everyone over Internet says that SpamAssassin is great product to fight Spam?
The result on my smtp gateways does not shown the same result. 
So i'm considering my configuration is uncomplete !!

i'm trying to improve spam detection and i have some questions : 

(Silly question but i cannot answer it) 

Do Mail::SpamAssassin need further version of SpamAssassin (Core
Distribution) to work ? Do i need to install SpamAssassin Core
Distribution on my System ?
My conclusion is yes ?? 

In order to improve SpamAssassin, i 've put CustomRules from
SpamAssassin Web Site in /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf ?? Is it
correct ???? I think yes
but confirmation is welcome ?

With this things, i can fight complete my configuration and fight the spam !!!

Best Regards,


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