Your (mail)logs might come in handy for this, if you write out
SpamAssassin's basic output there. With a basic Perl-script (you can do this
in almost any other script-language of course) you can see most likely
everything you need. Spam, ham and mail-scores, scan-times, tests that where
hit (!), etc. With only a small bit of programming, you can calculate and
see everything you need! You should check wat AWL and BAYES -tests are
doing, especially if they hit on Spam.

When I upgraded, (2.64 > 3.02) I noticed only a small increase in scores for
spam and decrease for ham from SpamAssassin. Not the big results I had hoped
for, but I'll patiently wait for 3.1. Overall results are slightly better,
and technically, there should be a lower possiblility of ham being marked as
spam (due to SPF-checking, did you install that?).

As to your setup. How up to date are those extra custom rules? Any reason
why your are using and but not
70_sare_header0,,,, etc, etc...?
There are more effective rules out there than just sare_html or just sare
I use most of the Sare-rules + some extra rules, and results are very good
(though watch your memory and scantimes!). Have yet to see a false positive
with a treshold of 9, and only 1-2% of all traffic scores between 5 and 9.

Kind Regards,
Sander Holthaus

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johann Spies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:20 AM
> Subject: Less spam blocked with 3.02 - AWL-related?
> I have upgraded spamassassin on three mail  (2.63 -> 3.02 on two and
> 2.64 -> 3.02 on the other) servers about two weeks ago.
> On the old system I have disabled AWL and Auto-learn because 
> they corrupted my bayesian database on at least one occasion.
> I have decided to try out AWL with 3.02.
> At first I did not use any extra rules but installed the 
> following after a week:
> I have experienced less false positives with the new one.  
> Complaints came down from about 6 per week to maybe 1 in the 
> last two weeks.
> But the feedback from users about spam received increased and 
> the following statistics shows that something is not working 
> as effectively as it was previously:
> Average spam blocked per minute for the last
>       Day     Week    Month   Year (Since April-June last year)
> mail1 5.94    6.21    7.67    8.20
> mail2 5.04    5.95    6.48    6.69
> mail3 4.95    4.67*   6.23    6.85
> *  mail3 was down for a few hours during the week.
> The three servers started out with the same bayesian database 
> and are trained with the same spam/ham on a nearly daily basis.
> I am suspecting AWL to be the culprit but I am not sure how 
> to determine it other than switching it of for a period.
> Any commentary?
> Regards
> Johann
> -- 
> Johann Spies          Telefoon: 021-808 4036
> Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch
>      "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the 
>       house of the LORD."          Psalms 122:1 

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