Matt Kettler wrote:

At 04:44 AM 2/16/2005, Chris Withers wrote:

> Really, all you need to do is make sure Net::DNS is installed..

How'd I do that?

it's a perl module, install it from a package or with cpan.

I did: apt-get install libnet-dns-perl it keeps itself up to date with sceurity fixes, etc.

spamassassin --lint -D

Look for:
        debug: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes

Yep, got that.

And one of these two lines:
        debug: is DNS available? 1

And got the above.

Anything else I need to do? What changes will having the above make?

I've also removed BIGEVIL from my_rules_du_jour and removed the .cf files that were left over.

I now only have TRIPWIRE ANTIDRUG EVILNUMBERS in my_rules_du_jour.
Are these still worth having? They don't seem to have been updated in ages...

Also, can anyone recommend a good rule to add that will catch "you have an X% approved mortgae for $x" in all its various forms?
How about one for the various paypal scams? I don't even have a paypal account...



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

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