Matt Kettler wrote:

At 05:27 AM 2/17/2005, Chris Withers wrote:

I now only have TRIPWIRE ANTIDRUG EVILNUMBERS in my_rules_du_jour.
Are these still worth having? They don't seem to have been updated in ages...

Antidrug is likely to not be updated, I'm lacking time to work on it.

It's also now a part of SA 3.0, so if you've got SA 3 or higher you should definitely *NOT* include antidrug.

cool, where in SA 3.0 is it? I can only find in my rules_du_jour folders...

Anyway, back o the main point left bugging me:

Can anyone recommend a good rule to add that will catch "you have an X% approved mortgae for $x" in all its various forms?
How about one for the various paypal scams? I don't even have a paypal account...



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