David A. Roth wrote:

On Feb 18, 2005, at 2:38 PM, Kevin Peuhkurinen wrote:

David A. Roth wrote:

I know this might seem like an odd request for those of you with tons of disk space available so please be kind. I'm running SpamAssassin version 3.0.2. For server space reasons (I'm a user on this system not root), I need to relocate auto-whitelist, bayes_journal, bayes_seen and bayes_toks which resides in the default ~/.spamassassin directory to another device. With Linux you can't simply do a link ('ln') across devices, so the files need to actually be moved. I want to leave user_prefs in he default ~/.spamassassin. What is the best way to move these files without messing up the successful running operation of SA?

Thanks in advance,

David Roth
rothmail -at- comcast.net

Use auto_whitelist_path and bayes_path in your local.cf file to tell SA where to find the files after moving them.

Ah, the local.cf file, of course! Thanks! Here I was thinking something needed to be re-built.

So something as simple as this (see below) being added to the bottom of the local.cf file is all that is needed for SA 3.02 to find it?

auto_whitelist_path /bigdisk/safiles
bayes_path  /bigdisk/safiles

Yup. That should be all. At risk of stating the obvious, you should probably stop spamd before moving the files to avoid any chance of corruption.

I assume I can keep the permission for /safiles at chmod 700 too?

Mode 700 is the default, so should be fine as long as the spamd user is the owner (again with the obvious!)


David Roth
rothmail -at- comcast.net

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