I am trying to seed the autowhitelist with ham & spam and found the "learn_with_whitelist" option in PerMsgLearner. A patch to sa-learn to expose this internal option as a command line option is below.

Question: is this a good or a dangerous idea?



  'sync'        => \$synconly,
  'rebuild'     => sub { $synconly = 1; warn "The --rebuild option has been 
deprecated.  Please use --sync instead.\n" },

+  'awl!'        => \$opt{'awl'},
  'username|u=s'    => \$opt{'username'},
  'configpath|config-file|config-dir|c|C=s' => \$opt{'configpath'},
  'prefspath|prefs-file|p=s'                => \$opt{'prefspath'},
@@ -186,6 +187,7 @@
    rules_filename      => $opt{'configpath'},
    site_rules_filename => $opt{'siteconfigpath'},
+    learn_with_whitelist => $opt{'awl'},
    userprefs_filename  => $opt{'prefspath'},
    username            => $opt{'username'},
    debug               => defined( $opt{'debug-level'} ),


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