Don Saklad wrote:
> You have no or little mastery of computers even though you read email
> with emacs rmail. Spamassassin headers are appearing on your messages.

How are those spamassassin headers showing up in your messages?
Someone must have configured it for you.  If not you then your ISP is
very likely using spamassassin to classify email.  Talk to them.

> How do you setup things if you have no or only very little mastery of
> making dotfiles?...

You can't.  A basic level of knowledge is required.  If you have that
knowledge, as you imply by saying you read mail with emacs rmail, then
you should have no trouble understanding and creating, for example,
procmail rules to file your mail after having been classified by

If you feel you do not have this level of capability then I suggest
you find help from the people who set up spamassassin for you.  If
they are offering spamassassin then perhaps they are also offering
support for other aspects of mail handling.

If you are looking specifically for emacs rmail help then I suggest
looking to the emacs mailing lists.  For example I use emacs but do
not use emacs rmail mode.  (I used to use emacs vm (view mail) mode.
But now I am use mutt.  I don't have emacs rmail knowledge to share.)

> Spamassassin instructional information around the web makes use of
> jargon and arcane references that make it a research project for
> people with no or little mastery just to get through the instructional
> information !

SpamAssassin is a free software project maintained by a group of
people across the Internet.  People volunteer their time and resources
to make this project available.  We find it extremely useful and
continue to contribute to it.  However you are not required to use it.
If you find it something that is not usable by you at this time then
you should not use it.  I am sorry but the tone of your message
implies that you think you deserve something that does not exist.


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