It's kind of an arrogant argument about not using something more
advanced than your knowledge. It did not stop a lot of people from
exploring things more advanced than their knowledge including young
aficionados of computers themselves. There are a lot of areas of
interest and knowledge. One can have knowledge of one area and not
mastery of another related area. A better idea is considering how to
better bridge what people with no or little mastery do not understand
about Spamassassin. Efficacy is also based on usability. Spamassassin
works better for some people but then if you don't figure out how to
use it it doesn't work better for you.

One hitch is composing the dotfile or dotfiles.

I would rather read about what people are doing to bridge any gaps for
interested users who find the Spamassassin headers on their messages,
only know a little bit of the jargon and arcane references in the
introductory informational materials, would like to try to use the
Spamassassin headers more effectively, and cull the spam type messages
from their email more efficiently.

Anyway if you can not get past someone's lack of knowledge, lack of
mastery you should not be replying on this point. I am grateful for
you interest and critique in the how to type of question in any case !

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