--On Saturday, March 05, 2005 19:53:14 +0100 Stephane Parenton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone...

So far, SpamAssassin is running ok... now I want to eliminate the spam
from the users mailboxes. here's the deal :

A mail server, serving several domains : domain_a.com, domain_b.com,
domain_c.com etc...
for the moment, domain_a and domain_b are filtered, but if everything
runs ok, all the domains should be filtered....
When a mail arrives, it's controled, scored, and if it's spam, it appears
as an attachement.
What I want is when a mail arrives, it's scored, and if it's spam, it's
not put in the user's mailbox but on a single box that will receive only
spam, whatever domain it's adressed to.

Mark messages as spam by all means but if I was one of your clients I wouldn't want you stopping me getting mail. Spamassassin is very good but not infallible. Me, I filter spam into a separate folder and then when I have time peruse it for false spam. Ocassionally I find something, usually a bulk mailing that I have requested, but I can then whitelist it.


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