>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert Menschel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 11:13 PM
>To: users@spamassassin.apache.org
>Subject: Whitelist collection project
>OK, based on what little discussion there's been so far, here's a
>draft proposal for people to think about.
>Summary: A group of volunteers will maintain a collected/distributed
>whitelist, using SpamAssassin's whitelist_from_rcvd capabilities,
>similar to (but in the opposite direction as) William Stearns'
>collected/distributed blacklist at
>Goal: There are public newsletters, services, etc., which a) do not
>spam, and b) can easily be mistaken as spam by SpamAssassin for a
>variety of reasons (overly aggressive custom rules, wrongly taught
>Bayes system, paid advertising listing SURBL URIs, etc). Though
>anti-spam devotees see these as opportunities for cleaning up our
>system, for the purposes of email reliability we want these emails to
>go through unhindered. 
>Assumption: This activity will focus only on public newsletters,
>services, etc., which normally do not contain any private information.
>Therefore there will not be any privacy or confidentiality concerns
>for the great majority of emails from these sources.


>- - - - - - -
>Can anyone think of any guidelines to be added or changed?
>Any volunteers willing to help out?
>Bob Menschel

This might just be the first time I disagree with you Bob ;) 

I don't see how this ruleset will not get abused. If I was a spammer I would
make sure all my spam hit these rules to let me in. 

As a research tool it is great! Already the SURBL whitelist is one of the
best around thanks to Jeff's work. He went mad for a few weeks and collected
just about every bit of whitelist info from the net. 

IMHO, public negative scoring rules are not a good idea, despite there best
intentions. Maybe if the airlines made there emails look less like spam? :) 


--Chris (Just my opinion. I've been outruled many times before....its pretty

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