Jens Ahlin wrote:
> When trying to build rpm using rpmbuild -tb Mail-SpamAssassin-3.0.2.tar.gz
> fails with
> error: Failed build dependencies:
>         perl(Digest::SHA1) is needed by spamassassin-3.0.2-1
>         perl(HTML::Parser) is needed by spamassassin-3.0.2-1
> After installing these modules using CPAN rpmbuild still fails with the
> same error.

You are mixing CPAN installations and RPM installations.  RPM does not
know about CPAN.  Once you have made the decision to install from CPAN
you are commited to installing everything from CPAN.  You should
either install everything with CPAN or install everything with RPM.
Don't mix them.  The person with two clocks is never really sure of
the current time.

Since you have been installing perl modules by CPAN you should
probably just continue and install spamassassin by CPAN too.  Which
means you don't need to build an rpm package.  But if you want rpm to
know that you have those perl modules installed then you need to
install them by RPM.

> Installing these modules from RPMS solves the problem. Why isn't rpmbuild
> find the modules installed using CPAN.

Your question is rather like Bilbo Baggins asking "What do I have in
my pocket?"  How would RPM know what you have installed by CPAN?


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