I have been trying to get something from CVS for several days now, no luck.

Send me your email in private ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to send it to you.

Bayes needs constant training, but this doesn't mean it needs any manual
training. Once it's up and running and "well-greased" it should take care of
itself by auto-learning (bayes_auto_learn 1, don't know if on by default).
About 70 or 80% of our spam and ham (especially the spam) is autolearned.

I will probably start again from scratch. One point: Do you think I should put custom rules inside /etc/mail/spamassassin or the default installation is enough?

Actually, with those "few" tokens you won't loose much if you throw it away ;-)
As I said upping that should help, no need to throw it away unless you think
that's easier (if most spam you get scores at BAYES_50 it might be better to
start over than to convince the db that it's spam).

I'll probably do it.

> bayes_auto_expire 0

> bayes_expiry_max_db_size 500000
I assume you just added>/changed that?

Yes I just added this. Should auto_expire remain always at 0? Also, do you think it would be better if the db NEVER expired? Would this value of 500000 achieve that? I don't want to come at work some day and see my tokens were lost again :-(

In general, should I do as you said, ie. trust the autolearn system and never use sa-learn again, provided that I do not have the time to do full training.

Thanks for giving me so much of your time, and being so patient with my silly questions.
Best regards,

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