Paul Boven <p.boven <at>> writes:
> Yes, they're forwarding the messages as attachements, and yes, I'm 
> stripping them out of the message/rfc822 attachements before feeding 
> them to Bayes. And in all the tests I've done so far this seems to work, 
> but now that we've upgraded to SA3.0.2 I can't peek 'under the hood' 
> anymore to see if things are still being learned as they should.

On a related note, if I grab messages from a maildir after
spamassassin has "quarantined" them ("The original message has
been attached to this so you can view it... yadda yadda") is
sa-learn smart enough to realize that the spam is contained in
the attachment? Or is this the same situation as a user-forward,
where I would need to write something to strip it out?

And as an aside, I'm curious about "peeking under the hood" too,
but in my case it's because I'm curious how many messages have
been trained. (In order to find out how soon the filter is going
to think the corpus is large enough to start using its bayes

TIA. -g.

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