At 23:02 -0800 03/18/2005, Daniel Quinlan wrote:
>  header CF_NOT_FOR_ME            ToCc !~ /(?:[EMAIL PROTECTED]|[EMAIL 

Well, yeah, at least shorter and arguably cleaner but I was a) playing with
meta rules and b) at one point had this idea that I might actually do
something with the individual NOT_TO and NOT_CC information...

I did switch to the shorter test above (last night) and the problem seems to
be gone as far as my mailbox is concerned, which brings me back to my initial

Why do spamd and spamassassin appear to have different results?
Why does spamassassin seem to have no problems understanding

   header __CF_NOT_TO_ME           To !~ /(?:[EMAIL PROTECTED]|[EMAIL 
   header __CF_NOT_CC_ME           Cc !~ /(?:[EMAIL PROTECTED]|[EMAIL 
   meta   CF_NOT_FOR_ME            __CF_NOT_TO_ME && __CF_NOT_CC_ME

and doing "the right thing" but spamd does appear to have problems and do the
wrong thing.

Is there something wrong with the header or meta rules above? Or is there
something wrong with spamd?

(We've passed the "get Vicki's configuration working" general tech support
question and have now moved into the area of understanding and debugging the
workings of SA and friends).
Vicki Brown          ZZZ
Journeyman Sourceror:  zz  |\     _,,,---,,_     Code, Docs, Process,
Scripts & Philtres      zz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   Perl, WWW, Mac OS X       |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-'   SF Bay Area, CA  USA
_______________________  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)  ___________________________

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