On 11/04/2017 08:09 AM, David Gessel wrote:
so days later, still chunking away, not making much progress.

If I kill the process (doesn't stop sa-learn, just kills current script), it 
always returns
  ^Cplugin: eval failed: interrupted at /usr/local/bin/sa-learn line 511.

which is

0509 sub killed {
0510   $spamtest->finish_learner();
0511   die "interrupted";
0512 }

The only difference in sa-learn I'm running from 3.4.1 at 

is line 50
0050   $searchrelative = 1;    # disabled during "make install": REMOVEFORINST
(which I assume is removed given "REMOVEFORINST")

So I assume given the changes in lines 19-21, that my server is running 3.4.1 

I note that 3.4.2p3 has one difference from 3.4.1, which is comment out  use 
bytes; at line 21 (this has been there or not there a few times over various 
versions and so may be slightly meaningful to something)

0021 # use bytes;

I'm not sufficiently perl savvy to have any idea whether that's useful to my 
performance issues or not, but it an easy enough mod to try.

Any thoughts?

Can you setup a generic SA installation on your desktop/laptop/VM (some other location), copy your ham/spam corpus, and try to train the bayes on another instance? This may take a little effort but prove insightful.

If that proves to be fast, then you could copy over your /etc/mail/spamassassin directory and see if that causes the same slow down which would point to some setting in /etc/mail/spamassassin. You may want to backup the /etc/mail/spamassassin before copying over yours for reference just in case you need to diff some config files later.

P.S. A very fast, easy way to setup a test VM with SA (plus Postfix, Dovecot, Roundcube webmail, etc.) is http://iredmail.org.

David Jones

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