N.B. that the HASHBL_EMAIL initial installed -- as distributed --
SCORE is set to a lowly 1 in hashbl.cf, viz.:

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HashBL HashBL.pm

ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HashBL
    header   HASHBL_EMAIL eval:check_hashbl_emails('ebl.msbl.org')
    describe HASHBL_EMAIL Message contains email address found on the EBL
    score    HASHBL_EMAIL 1.0

Highly Recommended you up it to at least 5 (ours is presently set at 9).

In the many months we’ve been using the EBL SA Plugin we have yet to
see a single FP and with the 9 SCORE we are able to blocking this type
of drop box spam at the SMTP level with SA with scores at 15 or

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