On Tuesday 23 January 2018 at 09:11:06, Pedro David Marco wrote:

> Hi,
> What is, in your opinion, the maximum URL acceptable length?

Acceptable for what?

Acceptable for a human to be able to remember?

Acceptable for pasting into an email?

Acceptable for expecting someone to type?

> I am not speaking about RFCs or defacto browsers limits, etc....

Okay, so you don't mean maximum permissible or maximum functional...

> i am just asking you for personal opinions, please...

I don't like URLs longer than 80 characters because they often wrap in emails 
and some MUAs don't allow split URLs to be clicked on.

> Many browsers do not bookmark over 300 octets (aprox), and do not show in
> address-bar over 2500 octets (aprox). Opinions, please??? does it make sense
> an URL of 100.000 octets, for example???

Please define "sense".

If a URL embedded in a web page works when a user clicks on it, then it's 
functional; I don't know whether it's then automatically sensible.

What's your definition for "acceptable"?  That might help get some useful 


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