Andy Norris wrote:

> Sorry about the oversite. I saw this email this morning after a
> not-very-good night's sleep at a motel. Struck close to my heart, as I
> just could not get the whitelist_from_rcvd to work on my box. Very
> frustrating, and a lot of time spent

If you can't get whitelist_from_rcvd working, you might want to check if
you have any spam messages hitting the ALL_TRUSTED rule. (And make sure
whatever you do, that you do not have "score ALL_TRUSTED 0" in your
spam.assassin.prefs.conf, as per some MailScanner versions did by default)

You might have trust path issues. If your inbound MX mailserver is
behind some kind NAT, you are 100% certain to need to declare
trusted_networks manually in your /etc/mail/spamassassin/ The
autodetect algorithm always fails for NATed mailservers.

If the trust path is broken, whitelist_from_rcvd won't work correctly,
as SA will be looking at the wrong Received: headers.

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