[I tried asking this question a couple of days ago, but I've seen no
signs that it made it out to the list -- possibly because the sample
e-mail addresses I included in my question might have caused it to be
flagged as spam.  So here goes again, this time with the addresses
mangled a bit.]

I see a lot of spam with "From:" lines where the left-hand side of the
address is essentially the same (modulo punctuation) as the "full name"
portion of the address.  The right-hand side, on the other hand, is a
random gibberish domain.

A few examples currently sitting in my local server's spam quarantine
(with the addresses edited so they hopefully won't trigger any spam checks):

        Adding To Human Lifespan <adding.to.human.lifespan (at)
garciniawiki (dot) com>
        "Eliminate Fat Fast" <eliminate-fat-fast (at) jeanettejtaylor
(dot) com>
        "Home Warranty Special" <home_warranty_special (at) racerville
(dot) com>
        Smartphone Screen Protector <smartphone.screen.protector (at)
dtqmp (dot) com>

Two questions:

Is it *technically possible* to create a Spamassassin rule which would
match this sort of "From:" line?

And assuming it can be done, is it *worthwhile* to do it?  I do realize
some perfectly legitimate "From:" lines conform to this same pattern,
and the only way to really tell the difference may be via AI or a real
human brain.
*Rich Wales*

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