When I first updated to Spamassassin 3.0.2 in December it worked great and stopped 95% of my junk. Now its down to about 65% and seems to be getting worse. I guess its just a matter of the Spammers having a copy of there own and tweaking there spam for a low score. Has anyone else noticed this? I have Razor, DCC and I think all possible opions enabled and working.

It sure would be nice if the rules were able to dynamically update like a virus scanner but from reading the FAQ this just is not possible. I would think it would just be a matter of updating the *.cf files in "/usr/share/spamassassin/".

Another thing is I have several domains. One is from our dialup ISP 10 years old. It has several email addresses that are dead and receive nothing but junk and lots of it. About 20 pieces or more an hour. Is there anyway I can use these to improve the effectiveness of Spamassassin?



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