
I've been running spamassassin forever and this has been bugging me for probably a decade, across various versions of SA and RedHat/FedoraCore Linux. Googling has produced nothing helpful and the problem has finally annoyed me enough to join this list and ask the real experts...

Basically, I have a whitelist.cf file with about 2000 whitelist_from and whitelist_from_rcvd entries in it. It seems that at some point into the file, SA quits reading it, or is otherwise ignoring entries, such that emails from "whitelisted" senders several hundred lines into the whitelist.cf file are not being detected as whitelisted.

My quickie fix has been to move ignored entries to the top of the whitelist file when I notice them. That reliably fixes the non-working entries, but gets me no closer to a real solution.

Running --lint and --lint -D shows no issues.

Any ideas of what might be causing this, or further troubleshooting steps to try?

My setup is currently a fairly plain-vanilla spamassassin-3.4.0-13.fc21.i686 on Fedora Core 21. (Yeah, I know... Migration to new server/CentOS is underway.) I'm running sendmail with MimeDefang and a heavily customized mimedefang-filter script to feed emails to SA.

Thanks for any help,


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