On 11/06/18 08:56, Sebastian Arcus wrote:
I am running SA 4.0.0-r1823176 on Perl 5.26.2. On a number of domains I administer, outbound mail triggers the SPF_HELO_FAIL rule - but the regular SPF check passes. I am struggling to see why this is happening, as the HELO name is set to the same value as the name of the server/dns name, it has rDNS - and it clearly passes during the regular SPF check - but not the SPF_HELO check. I have re-checked the domain settings at mxtoolbox.com - and there doesn't seem to be any problem. Any ideas please?

It turns out that it is indeed something I did. Somehow in all this time since I started to use SPF, I never realised that SPF checks are also done on the HELO hostname itself, not only the sending domain - and the need to have a separate SPF record for it.

I actually had a separate SPF record for mail.sinclair-accounting.co.uk, in which I denied everything - as my understanding was that there will never be an address of the type u...@mail.sinclair-accounting.co.uk - so I wouldn't need to allow anything on SPF.

All corrected now - thank you for the input.

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