On 12.06.18 19:37, micah anderson wrote:
2.3 EMPTY_MESSAGE Message appears to have no textual parts and no

It did not have a subject, but it did have content (although only
encrypted).... it also hit:

*  1.8 MISSING_SUBJECT Missing Subject: header

which makes sense, because the mail did not have one, but have you
looked in your Spam folder lately? All spam has a subject, pretty much
always.... an informal survey of my trash heap showed 4 messages out of
400 did not have a Subject, and two of them were repeats.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk> writes:
and what is your point?

On 13.06.18 07:55, micah anderson wrote:
The point is EMPTY_MESSAGE scores even though it did have content.

so, why did you complain about subjects?

But I guess the point is that it had no 'text' parts, because the content
was only pgp/mime?

Most probably yes. spamassassin -D would show us.

The MISSING_SUBJECT and EMPTY_MESSAGE are kind of redundant, since they both
catch empty mail.

header __HAS_SUBJECT            exists:Subject

body __NONEMPTY_BODY    /\S/

note that body rules check subject too.

I can guess that the mail did NOT include an attachment since it was purely
PGP-encrypted mail.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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