Likely best to try against svn for 3.4 and trunk where I expect it will
fail and we have to open a bug.

On Fri, Aug 31, 2018, 10:42 RW <> wrote:

> On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 09:59:52 -0400
> Olivier Coutu wrote:
> > I wrote a rule that throws a /variable length lookbehind/ error where
> > the lookbehind is fixed length. Here is a MWE:
> >
> > body            __Z_NEGATIVE_LOOKBEHIND  /(?<!ss) text/i
> >
> > spamassassin --siteconfigpath=${HOME}/sa-rules/ --lint
> > aoĆ» 31 09:53:45.343 [9074] warn: config: invalid regexp for rule
> > __Z_NEGATIVE_LOOKBEHIND: /(?<!ss) text/i: Variable length lookbehind
> > not implemented in regex m/(?i)(?<!ss) text/
> I get the same, with or without the UTF-8 non-break spaces.
> > The error goes away if I remove the case insensitive, or if I put a
> > character between the two /s/ characters. Using /nn/ instead of /ss/
> > makes the error go away. The error stays if I add characters before
> > or after the /ss/. Is there a special non-text signification to the
> > characters /ss/?
> gnu grep -P doesn't have a problem with it.

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