On 17 Sep 2018, at 22:57, James Hsieh wrote:

So this is odd:

I finally started this without the daemonize option to see if it gave me anything more enlightening and got:

Sep 17 22:44:15.326 [21704] error: config: no rules were found! Do you need to run 'sa-update'?
config: no rules were found!  Do you need to run 'sa-update'?

Sure enough /var/lib/spamassassin/3.004002/updates_spamassassin_org is empty.

/usr/local/bin/curl -s -L -O --remote-time -g --max-redirs 2 --connect-timeout 30 --max-time 300 --fail -o MIRRORED.BY -- http://spamassassin.apache.org/updates/MIRRORED.BY <http://spamassassin.apache.org/updates/MIRRORED.BY>

This is what appears to have failed.  It didn't download anything.

superchicken:root# host spamassassin.apache.org
spamassassin.apache.org has address
spamassassin.apache.org has address
spamassassin.apache.org has IPv6 address 2a01:4f9:2a:185f::2
spamassassin.apache.org mail is handled by 10 mx1-lw-eu.apache.org.
spamassassin.apache.org mail is handled by 10 mx1-lw-us.apache.org.

The issue is with the mirror at - it's returning a 404 for the file. If you go to <>

you get a not found.

Yes, because that webserver uses name-based virtual hosts: you can't just use the IP in the URL, you need to make sure you send the proper hostname. You also need to follow HTTP redirects, because the http URL redirects to a https URL. Like this:

$ curl -sOL -H 'Host: spamassassin.apache.org'
-rw-r--r--  1 bill  staff  1400 Sep 18 00:01 MIRRORED.BY
# SOURCE: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/site/updates/
# 'svn checkout' the repo, update this file, and commit it
# A svnpubsub update on spamassassin.apache.org will instantly pull
# from SVN after the commit.
# A cron'd update on sa-vm1.apache.org will also automatically pull

I copied the MIRRORED.BY file from the 3.004001 directory then re-ran sa-update. It pulled down rules and I'm in business.

Kevin, thanks for the patch. It works. Sorry for the extra noise and perhaps we need to do something about that broken mirror?

The mirror doesn't look broken from here.

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