Good morning everyone,

After the feedback from ComDev and discussions with Dr. Daniel, I'm
happy to report that Self-Employed and Retired people are now eligible. 
Also, the survey now allows for skipping any questions that are too

We need more samples and would appreciate if you could spread the word
on this to your PMC.  We need more info about careers in OSS and this is
a great way to get it.  I'm also hoping they have enough responses to
report on the preliminary findings at the Apache Washington DC Roadshow
on Dec 4th (

They now invite anyone over 18 years old, with experience in the Apache
community to fill out the survey.  -KAM

Please click the following link to start the survey:

The survey should take 10-15 minutes and you can skip any questions you
find to be too personal. Upon completion
·         you will be placed in a lottery where you have TWO chances to
win $250
·         we’ll donate $5 to Apache—up to $1000 total

We believe in the importance of the work that you do and we want to
support it. Thanks for engaging with us.

 -Sherae, Liwei, and Jaime


Kevin A. McGrail
VP Fundraising, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project - 703.798.0171

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