Ditto to what John said, however, thanks for the spample Mark. :)

Mark, is that the exact network image?
If not, do you have access to it? If so, please pastebin it.
By "network image", I mean not-mangled by any post filter software.

Your posted spample is quoted-printable, and should have been decoded then hit some bitcoin/sextortion specific rules. In your spample, the Content headers are borked, and it wasn't recognized as qp, hence the abundant "9D" artifacts.

I ran it as-is, and it scored poorly.
After I manually de-borked the headers, and retested, it hit SA's "OBFU_BITCOIN" and my own anti-bitcoin/sextortion & hi-Ascii-count tests.

The question is, is that broken header pattern in the original, and if so, should it be detected & scored, in-and-of-itself?
We'd need the most pristine original, before proceding. :)
        - "Chip"

P.S. Sorry for the lack of Reply headers.  I'm on the road, with limited tools.

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