Matthew Lenz wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "AltGrendel"
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: my girlfriend is getting ticked :)

Mike Jackson wrote:

Your bayes database looked to be reasonably trained. The false-negative was labeled 99% spam by Bayes.

I don't see any RBL checks, which might have made the difference on this one, if it's already been seen and flagged. Do you have Net::DNS installed and the RLB tests enabled? What happens if you feed it through spamassassin with the -D flag?

In my experience, it's more efficient to let the MTA handle the RBL checks instead of Spamassassin. I can't remember what MTA the OP was using, but it's trivial to set them up in Sendmail. On my employer's boxes, I use the lists, but on my personal box (where I can be much more aggressive) I use a few of the lists and The spamhaus lists are checked first, and they're highly effective.

Agreed, I setup my postfix to do the checks and it's made a world of difference. The OP never said what OS/MTA is being used.

actually i did in my first post

"I'm using 3.0.2 on a debian woody box. Its from (great site)"

Ok, so you're using Spamassassin 3.0.2 on Debian. Are you using Sendmail, qmail, courier, or postfix? I honestly don't know that Debian uses as a default mailserver.

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