I would like to use the AskDNS plugin to query a private DBL that I can 
populate/manage.  The idea is to subtract a few points for inbound O365 domains 
that have been seen before in an effort to help block compromised O365 accounts 
from domains that have never been seen before.

Ideally a new tag would be created when the last external relay is an 
outbound.protection.microsoft.com host and the X-Originating-Org header value 
(which should match the EnvelopeFrom domain) is used to make a new tag like 
_O365ORG_ for a simple rule like this:

ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AskDNS
askdns    O365_ORG_SEEN_BEFORE _O365ORG_.o365seen.example.com A 
score    O365_ORG_SEEN_BEFORE    -2.0

BTW, how can I find a list of all existing tags available for use?  I tried a 
number of greps and Google searches with no luck.


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