On 5/1/19 10:15 PM, David Jones wrote:
> On 5/1/19 6:04 PM, RW wrote:
>> On Wed, 1 May 2019 10:39:08 -0700 (MST)
>> jandev wrote:
>>> David,
>>> I tried to send the original email to the email address you
>>> requested. But your mail hoster blocks (554 5.7.1) my TLDs.
>> I doesn't really matter, you posted a link to pastebin on the list.
>> It passed SPF with the envelope domain bounce.comm06.simpliv.com
>> which matches:
>> def_whitelist_auth *@*.simpliv.com
> has a senderscore.org score of 94 currently and is listed
> in dnswl.org as score but do not block outright.  More importantly, it's

I meant to say "it's NOT listed" in IVM which is a very accurate RBL.

> listed in Invaluement (IVM or IVM24):
> http://multirbl.valli.org/lookup/
> The email headers that were posted in pastebein.com are from mass
> marketer that has a valid unsubscribe header/link.
> I wouldn't classify that email as spam unless there were multiple
> reports of them not honoring the unsubscribe or not handling abuse
> reports.  Every platform has the occassional bad customer that needs to
> be kicked off so most RBLs (good ones anyway) will allow for a small
> amount of UCE before hitting the threshold to be listed/blocked.

David Jones

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