On Mon, 27 May 2019 18:04:35 +0200
hg user wrote:

> I was writing a message requesting advice on bayes_ignore_header
> since I was sure something was wrong when I decided to have a look at
> spamassassin -D bayes output... and I was shocked by what I saw !
> x-spam-relays-external lists all the hops of the message *including*
> internal servers and so x-spam-relays-internal is empty

You can fix this by setting   internal_networks and trusted_networks.
However if SA is running from amavis it probably doesn't matter,

> specifically asked to add the antivirus and other internal MTAs to
> the internal list... and now I find the internal server names used to
> calculate the bayes point...
> I really think this is skewing the result.

The handling of Received headers is a little odd, and could use some
work. The bottom two headers are tokenized directly and extra tokens
come from the x-spam-relays-* pseudo headers. 

IMO everyone should have these setting: 

bayes_ignore_header x-spam-relays-internal
bayes_ignore_header x-spam-relays-external
bayes_ignore_header x-spam-relays-trusted

> * the 2 words of the subject are listed but Subject: is not tokenized
> according to the sources

The subject is treated as part of the body.

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