On Fri, 7 Jun 2019 16:30:58 +0100
Niamh Holding wrote:

> Hello John,
> Friday, June 7, 2019, 3:56:03 PM, you wrote:
> JH> If you're getting FPs on this, I suggest you review your internal
> JH> hosts. It looks for reserved IP ranges in external Received
> JH> headers.  
> This?
> *  3.3 FORGED_RELAY_MUA_TO_MX No description available.
> .
> .
> .
> X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted: [ ip=
> rdns=sv07.members.wayfair.com helo=sv07.members.wayfair.com
> by=nitrogen.huntingdon.holtain.net ident= envfrom= intl=0 id= auth=
> msa=0 ] [ ip= rdns= helo= by= ident= envfrom= intl=0
> id= auth= msa=0 ] .

See my previous description of what the rule does

we have 

[ ip= ... ] [ ip= ... helo= ]


> Received: from sv07.members.wayfair.com (
>   by nitrogen.huntingdon.holtain.net with AES256-SHA encrypted SMTP;
> 7 Jun 2019 14:05:51 +0100 .

This provides  the first section of X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted.

> Received: by sv07.members.wayfair.com id hv9giu2gvtc7 for
> <ni...@fullbore.co.uk>; Fri, 7 Jun 2019 09:05:44 -0400 (envelope-from
> <boun...@members.wayfair.co.uk>)

This is not the second section, the parser will have skipped it.

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