On 8/26/19 3:24 AM, Rob McEwen wrote:
announcement about invaluement (or more like a tease?)


On Monday 26 August 2019 at 13:29:45, Axb wrote:
I don't do linkedin - what is it?

On 26.08.19 15:17, Axb wrote:
I meant: what is in the "tease"?

ANNOUNCEMENT: The current status quo of the entire ESP and mail-sending
ecosystem, including the organizations that are suppose to "help" them play
by the rules (maawg, Return Path, 250OK, ALL blacklists, + sending from O365
& G-Suite) - is now fundamentally broken.  Within days, invaluement is going
to be releasing a game-changing service that is going to knock the whole
industry back into fearing the consequences of spamming - the way it used to
be - and SHOULD be - except with FAR LESS collateral damage than traditional
blacklists.  This technology will then be shared with other blacklists - so
that they can partake in this industry "reset".  It will be at least as
monumental as the release of the first URI/domain blacklist (of which I was
heavily involved).

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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