On 17/09/19 11:59, Blason R wrote:

If possible please share it here?

On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 3:20 PM hg user <mercurialu...@gmail.com <mailto:mercurialu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    A new emotet campain is in progress
    (https://twitter.com/Cryptolaemus1) and I created a rule... I
    don't know if is it possible to share (via pastebin) the rule I
    created to have feedback from the experts...


not really SpamAssassin related, but for anyone concerned about Emotet, I suggest using URLhaus Clamav signatures: https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/api/#clamav

Best regards,
Riccardo Alfieri

Spamhaus Technology

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