On Sep 26, 2019, at 10:18 AM, John Hardin <jhar...@impsec.org> wrote:
> Some of those are following a pattern I've recently noticed - fairly 
> obviously bogus spamvertising domain URLs with some .gov URLs thrown in as 
> well. I'm assuming that's an attempt to leverage naïve domain whitelisting. 
> One has a Humane Society URL, I presume the goal is similar.

Although they may not be in the spamples I provided, I've also seen .edu links. 
 And in today's spam I got a .gov.on.ca <http://gov.on.ca/> link.  So we might 
need some variants, but then again, I suspect these will require a lot of 
tuning to guard against FPs.

My new AC_ rules (particularly AC_LARGE_INDENT and AC_POST*EXTRAS) do really 
well locally, but not so much in masscheck ... but they hit otherwise very 
low-scoring spam.  I would request that someone more talented than I am look at 
tuning those against FPs, if they are willing...


--- Amir

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