Kenneth Porter wrote:
(Nothing wrong with SA. Just an FYI about a popular service that abuses the Internet and SA catches it.)

I noticed one of my notifications from Facebook today got tagged by SA. Here's the two that put it over:

3.9 HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR2 Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (IP addr 2)
1.5 RCVD_IN_SORBS_WEB RBL: SORBS: sender is an abusable web server
     [ listed in]

Here's the offending header:

Received: from ( [])

So who do I bitch at? I've never found any good way to complain to Facebook.

I long ago sighed and globally whitelisted as many generic Facebook sending channels as I could find because of lunacy like this.

whitelist_from_rcvd     *    
whitelist_from_rcvd     *    
whitelist_from_rcvd     * 
whitelist_from_rcvd     * 
whitelist_from_dkim     *
whitelist_from_dkim     *

So tempting to let my inner BOFH out and just convert those to blacklist_from entries instead though...

Of course, having whitelisted them we now have a couple of customers who routinely report various Facebook email notices as spam.


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