I am trying to add bayes to SA.  I see in the docs that there is a use_bayes parm and the path parm.  I made the changes to /usr/share/spamassassin/local.cf.  But I see no change.  I am not sure it's even loading that config file. I've got debug on, and the log doesn't tell me that it's reading the local.cf file I'm changing.

I think I need to go back to the basics.  I simply want a 100% site-wide SA (no per-user anything).  I've read of the config docs. It describes every parameter.  But it doesn't really put the big picture together. Is there a "SpamAssassin for Dummies" doc that describes the command line args for 'site-wide-only' and also which config file (local.cf?) in which folder I should be changing?

The initial install of SA on AWS Linux EC2 has a SPAMDOPTIONS="-d -c -m5 -H".  I was told a few months back in this forum that -H without a parameter following is not even valid and it applies to per-user stuff.  So I removed the -H.  I read that -c creates a user pref file which sounds like per-user.  So I removed that. But the log is telling me it's loading files from /etc/mail which I thought the docs said was per-user stuff.  Basically, I can't figure out how to make any config changes that are actually seen by SA.

So... questions:

    -- first just to make SA run as 'site-wide-only', should the command line args be "-d -m5"? (or do I really need to go back to "-d -c -m5 -H"?

    -- What file should I be changing to adjust config?  If it's indeed /usr/share/spamassassin/local.cf, is there something I can change in there that I can force something in the log file to assure me that config parms are really being pulled from here?

    -- Shouldn't "use_bayes 1" cause something to appear in the debug log saying something about bayes now in use (and something about the bayes_toks file)?

    -- Finally, where should I put custom rule files such as KAM.cf so they are used, but not erased with sa_update?

If all of this is explained in some user scenario docs, please point me to them.  It's just really tough getting the big picture here especially when I can't get ANY config changes to make any difference.


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