This is getting stranger by the minute... After playing around and verifying permissions and everything, I actually started getting a bayes score item for each email.  So I celebrated and went to dinner.  Came back a few hours later and checked the logs.  Bayes consistently added a score line to every email for exactly 30 minutes of run time.  Then for the last ~5 hours.... nothing.  It's like the bayes component crashed, but SA kept running otherwise.  Mail is still being processed via SA and being scored as usual.  But bayes hasn't participated in any mail for ~5 hours.  I'm running spamd with -D option.  There was a lot of bayes activity in the log while it was participating.  Now periodically I get "tie-ing to DB file R/O /home/spamd/bayes/bayes_toks" and "found bayes db version 3" in the log.  That's still occurring.  But nothing else related to bayes in the log after the first 30 minutes.

Anybody have any idea about why it would work for 30 minutes, then just bypass from then on?


On 11/26/2019 6:29 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
On 11/25/2019 3:02 PM, Mikael Syska wrote:
Try and run:
sa-learn --dump magic

Should give you some information like:
0.000          0          3          0  non-token data: bayes db version
0.000          0     493422          0  non-token data: nspam
0.000          0    3867414          0  non-token data: nham
0.000          0     937781          0  non-token data: ntokens
0.000          0 1573870989          0  non-token data: oldest atime
0.000          0 1574715499          0  non-token data: newest atime
0.000          0          0          0  non-token data: last journal sync atime
0.000          0 1574712064          0  non-token data: last expiry atime
0.000          0     812640          0  non-token data: last expire atime delta 0.000          0     204342          0  non-token data: last expire reduction count
Thank you so much for the suggestion.  I tried running it as user spamd:     sa-learn -u spamd --dump magic

I got this response:  ERROR: Bayes dump returned an error, please re-run with -D for more information.   I ran it with -D and got the following relevant lines:

Nov 27 00:13:23.325 [17354] dbg: bayes: no dbs present, cannot tie DB R/O: /home/spamd/bayes/bayes_toks Nov 27 00:13:23.326 [17354] dbg: bayes: no dbs present, cannot tie DB R/O: /home/spamd/bayes/bayes_toks

Just for fun, I tried sudo su and reran it, and got the output below.   So for whatever reason, either I'm not specifying to run sa-learn as spamd user correctly or user spamd appears to not have permissions to its own home dir.  I did check that the bayes folder and all bayes_* files inside it were owned by spamd.  Any ideas?  BTW the /var/log/maillog shows that spamd itself is indeed finding and using the db in that directory.


Here's the sudo su output:

[root@ip-172-31-47-84 ec2-user]# sa-learn --dump magic
0.000          0          3          0  non-token data: bayes db version
0.000          0      51391          0  non-token data: nspam
0.000          0       6813          0  non-token data: nham
0.000          0     134303          0  non-token data: ntokens
0.000          0 1566344099          0  non-token data: oldest atime
0.000          0 1568249462          0  non-token data: newest atime
0.000          0          0          0  non-token data: last journal sync atime
0.000          0          0          0  non-token data: last expiry atime
0.000          0          0          0  non-token data: last expire atime delta 0.000          0          0          0  non-token data: last expire reduction count

Do note that every user has it's own DB ... can be overriden with
bayes_sql_override_username bayes

So if either "spamd" user or your own runs it  ... you should get the same result ...

( I'm actually running it in PgSQL, can't remember what the file based is called )

Mikael Syska

---- On Sun, 24 Nov 2019 19:35:16 +0100 *Jerry Malcolm <>* wrote ----

    Thanks again to everyone who helped me get everything up and running
    over the past couple of days.

    Now that I have SA finding my bayes database, I'm curious about
    reporting.  My bayes db is not new.  I migrated my previous bayes db
    from my old installation.  And I've been training it with ~100+
    new spam
    messages in the past day.  But I'm concerned that I'm not seeing
    anything related to bayes in any scoring report. Nothing on any spam
    message or good message over the past hundreds of message that have
    arrived since getting bayes up and running in SA.  I would expect at
    least some messages to have a bayes rule fire, either positively or
    negatively, or even just a 0.0 score based on bayes analysis.  Is it
    possible that after all of the setup I've done that bayes is
    still not
    activated?  Is there a way to force a bayes entry in the scoring
    for an email just to confirm that it is indeed part of the scoring
    process for spamd? I added "use_bayes 1" to the config just in case.
    But no difference.  I've got allow_tell activated, and training
    with an
    email is giving me a good rc (It was correctly giving an error
    before I
    added allow_tell).  Just nothing in the scoring results for any

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