On Thu, 2019-12-19 at 16:56 +0000, Chip M. wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Dec 2019, John Hardin wrote:
> > Can you post a spample
> This is a very interesting pattern that I've seen in a few (9) spams
> this week.
> Here's a spample (with only the To header MUNGED):
> http://puffin.net/software/spam/samples/0062_snow_style_chaff_aws.txt
> Lindsay, is that what you're seeing?


All of these verifiably come from Amazon IP addresses. I filed one
abuse report with Amazon, jumping through all the hoops spec'd in their
whois listing, but I doubt if it does any good. The Big Guys don't need
to allocate any of their hard-earned resources to clamping down on spam
sent trom their customers' accounts :(

Lindsay Haisley       | "UNIX is user-friendly, it just
FMP Computer Services |       chooses its friends."
512-259-1190          |          -- Andreas Bogk
http://www.fmp.com    |

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