On Sat, 18 Jan 2020 13:31:10 +0100
Benny Pedersen wrote:

> i came after using it this way for long time now that it could be
> more optimized with bayes user id vars, currently it creates new ids
> each time there is a new user, but it does not reuse old ids that is
> not used anymore after sa-learn --username f...@example.org, then that
> id is not used anymore, next new user will always get a highter
> number, hmm :=)

You think you might run-out of 32-bit numbers? If it really bothers
you, you could use 64-bit. 

> next problem i find is that bayes usernames is caseSensitive in sql,
> so b...@example.org and b...@example.org is 2 diffrent bayes users :(

Domains are case-insensitive, the local-part may or may not be. 

I don't think this is anything to do with SpamAssassin, shouldn't this
be handled by whatever is passing these usernames.

> bayes ignore from and bayes ignore to, could be extended to know
> local domains, egg dont store bayes data if from or to enveelopes is
> not local domains

Usually Bayes users are connected to local accounts. It sounds like you
are just passing unvalidated  email addresses to SA as virtual users.

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