Hello Dave,

Malwarepatrol has just released a list of 13,000+ domains related to coronavirus scams:


Anyone else have any rules or changes relating to protecting users from coronavirus they'd like to share?

Those domain additions (if malicious) will very likely be covered by SURBL and other domain blacklists.

I have checked the list and some are not inside SURBL, so passing those on to the team. But many others are seen in mailflows and tagged/added as such.

Its sad (and obvious) that people will exploit this.

If there is more to add just send submissions to feedb...@surbl.org

We are tracking domain additions based on the corona matches, nameservers, ip's and wildcard searches in the zonefiles and we will do out utterly best to limit damage of people who try to exploit this as such.

Thanks! Raymond Dijkxhoorn (SURBL)

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