The proposed name changes were proposed for many years in the software community.   For example in 2014, Drupal opted to use "primary/replica" instead, and Django followed suit the same year with "leader/follower".    In 2018, there apparently was a renewed interest in changing the names by many others.   For example, I found:

So this issue is nothing new, and the arguments on this issue, that have been occurring on this mailing list, have already occurred.

- Mark

On 7/10/2020 7:18 PM, Marc Roos wrote:
Pfffff, twitter, microsoft, oracle all billion dollar companies only
removing some words???? The news is full of black minorities having
higher risk of death in coronavirus. Unemployment is highest amongst
ethnic minorities. And these companies are only concerned filling their
pockets, storing their money in tax havens. You have in the states
famous people bribe good schools so their kids can attend (at the
expense of others). It is just a fucking insult to ethnic minorities
having such companies talking only about changing words!

Wtf this Amazon guy 150 billion, the most greediest man on the planet!!!
Let me guess, his employees get paid lowest on the market????

I would think twice mentioning such companies as examples. Don't forget
Zuckerberg called facebook users 'dumb fucks', that is the standard at
such companies.


-----Original Message-----
Subject: Linux, Twitter, Mysql, Github, etc, all plan to remove
blacklist and whitelist, master and slave.

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