On Sat, 2020-07-11 at 06:32 -0600, Eric Broch wrote:
> Obama was a community organizer, and that's what community organizers 
> do. They stir up trouble where no trouble exists. This is a Marxist 
> tactic to overturn a society in the school of Saul Alinsky (Author: 
> 'Rules for Radicals').
Maybe so, but one thing I know it that the people were not fooled by
their Warsaw Pact governments. They knew very well that what they got
was not what they were promised.

I was in Chechoslovakia when Solidarity was the name of the game on
Poland and the Berlin Wall hadn't yet fallen. We met a lot of young East
Germans who were holidaying there because it was the only country they
could get holiday visas for. The one thing we heard from these young
East Germans at some point in a conversation was a variation on "Of
course we know about Marx and his brand of Communism because we had to
study that in school. It sounds wonderful: we just wish we had it in our

We knew then that something was about to change soon, so weren't
surprised when the Wall came down.

Anyway: that was realpolitik. Political correctness is not realpolitik,
even slightly. Its a pity George Orwell isn't around now.
> One does not concede ground to radicals one punishes them because
> they are intent on destroying anything civilized.
I don't think you have the faintest idea of what a radical is.


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