"Bill Cole" <sausers-20150...@billmail.scconsult.com> writes:

> On 10 Jul 2020, at 5:12, hospice admin wrote:
>> $0.02 from a woman of colour ...
>> I personally find stuff like this just a little bit patronising ...
>> more of a matter of kicking the real problem into the weeds than
>> actually doing anything practical to 'fix' it.
> Well, in the context of the Apache SpamAssassin Project, "The Real
> Problem" that we have any capacity to work on is the low diversity of
> our developer community. Eliminating terminology that may be off-putting
> for even a minority of a minority of possible contributors is
> worthwhile, particularly when the block/welcome terminology we are
> replacing black/white with is explicitly descriptive rather than
> metaphorical and connotative.
> We have no way of knowing how many people have thought less of SA
> because of terminology or whether any of those people might have
> otherwise become involved enough in the project to be contributors. If
> changing the terminology makes the Project look less like a bunch of
> white guys trying to make rules for the world's email, that's a positive
> step.

That makes no sense at all. It increases the feeling that you want to
appease a little but loudly minority. And probably want to get a warm
cosy feeling inside.

By the way: should the name of the project not be changed also?
Assassin can be very offensive to certain people. This can be changed
without dire consequences.

Black Lives Matter.
White Lives Don't Matter.

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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