On Sun, 11 Oct 2020, Ramon F Herrera wrote:

There you go, Bill:

http://www.forcewise.com/~ramon/sysadmin/SolidWorks-SPAM.mbox (both files are hardlinked)

Those don't particularly look like revenge spamming; they look more like notifications of posts to an off-topic humor thread or, less likely, the Solidworks forum being spammed (which apparently has happened before, I saw some mention of that when doing a little research when you first posted your question).

Have you tried reporting this to the admins of the Solidworks forum?

Are you still an active participant in the forum? If not, perhaps just delete your account there to stop receiving notifications of forum postings.

Your account may have email notification options, like "don't email me notifications", or "only mail me notifications for threads I have posted on." The latter may actually be what is happening here, if you happened to post a "can we knock off with this nonsense" type of comment to that thread and you're assuming what you're now getting is revenge spamming for doing that. The forum software may potentially offer the ability to subscribe to / unsubscribe from notifications for posts to specific forum threads; see if you can do that.

This doesn't look particularly abusive or spammy to me, just legitimate notifications of posts to an OT thread (which, yes, is annoying, but not abuse). If anything this looks to me more like an issue for the Solidworks forum administrators to address, not SA.

Blocking *all* mail from Solidworks for this seems an overreaction to me.

But, that said, you could blcok them by telling Sendmail to reject mail that is from bounces+18101436-032c-ramon=jfknumbers....@u18101436.wl187.sendgrid.net that should be consistent for all messages sent to you from Solidworks via Sendgrid.



On 10/10/2020 11:49 AM, Bill Cole wrote:
On 10 Oct 2020, at 10:52, Ramon F Herrera wrote:

Hello all:

I have been a very satisfied user of spamassassin for a long time. Now I am facing a challenge, a problem that I cannot resolve.

Years ago I was an active participant in the SolidWorks forum:


Unfortunately, there is a group there who when don't approve of a thread their response is to send you a barrage of e-mails, some sort of DOS attack. I have received thousands of those, during several years.

I dutifully have those messages processed by sa-learn, but it is clear that they are immune to spamassassin. Instead of going up, their score goes down.

I tried another approach (suggested by some of you folks): block the sender by sendmail, as seen below. Such defensive strategy was helpful for a couple years but now the spam has come back with a vengeance. Currently, my last line of defense is the only one that recognizes that stealth spam: the Thunderbird mail client.

Please help.

Without actual samples of the spam, there's nothing anyone else can do to help figure out why SA isn't catching it and how it might get caught.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
 jhar...@impsec.org                         pgpk -a jhar...@impsec.org
 key: 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C  AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
  Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that
  they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly,
  and one by one.                             -- Charles MacKay, 1852
 23 days until the Presidential Election

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