I have been looking into exactly the same, don't know how I am going to 
implement it still. What I know for now.

This is how you can get info on a netblock owner. 

[@]$ dig +short -t txt
'48031 | | UA | ripencc | 2011-12-09'

You can then either decide to mark everything as spam with spamassassin 
or block reject it via a milter or so. Combined with this you can then 
whitelist only this networks official outgoing smtp servers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex [mailto:mysqlstud...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2020 6:50 PM
To: SA Mailing list
Subject: Blocking by country/ASN/IP/domain

Hi, I have a spamassassin-3.4.4 install with amavisd-2.12 and postfix on 
fedora32 and would like to be able to block email from an entire country 
on a per-user or per-domain basis. What is the best way to do this?

I'm currently using the RelayCountry plugin and Amavis::Custom to add an 
X-Relay-Countries header to each email, and have a series of rules of 
the form:

    header          RELAYCOUNTRY_JP X-Relay-Countries =~ /JP/
    describe        RELAYCOUNTRY_JP Relayed through Japan
    score           RELAYCOUNTRY_JP 0.1

I've also been considering blocking by ASN or IP, but I believe it would 
be the same problem just presented in a different way.

How do I tie this into amavisd so that I can allow individual users to 
control their own email? Perhaps this is done in a policy_bank?
Perhaps I would analyze the X-Relay-Countries header directly instead of 
processing the resulting RELAYCOUNTRY_JP rule, for example?

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