On 09.11.20 08:37, Alex wrote:
I'm aware of the ability to store user prefs in mysql, like whether to
use bayes or razor, but is it possible to have rules on a per-user
basis with SA 3.4.4 and amavis?

no, amavis processes all mail under single user, usually "amavis".

you probably could make maavis/MTA feed each mail through separate filter so
they can use per-user settings.

I realize I could write a meta rule that combines a rule with a
recipient address, for example, but ideally I'd like to have a
separate per-user list of rules.

The real motivation for doing this is to be able to block mail from a
specific TLD or domain or country on a per-user or per-domain basis.
Perhaps there's another way to do this? In amavis directly?


Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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