
> SpamAssassin has plugins for PhishTank and OpenPhish. I would suggest
> you submit the link to them.
> You can also reach out to the domain provider, hosting provider(s) and
> other companies involved.

> > https://pastebin.com/JMSrY6KU

We've got to do better than that. These O365 phishing attacks are
significant and severe and constant.

I modified the ExtractText plugin to also process HTML files

extracttext_external    htmlcat /usr/bin/cat {}
extracttext_use         htmlcat   .htm .html

then created the following rule to look for <script> in the data
stream, and combined it with a few existing rules that identify
malformed HTML.

body     __LOC_HTML_SCRIPT      /\<script\>/i
score    LOC_HTML_BAD_SCRIPT    5.00
describe LOC_HTML_BAD_SCRIPT    HTML with bad javascript

Someone with a better ability to identify what's bad and unique about
this javascript would probably be able to do better.

Unless javascript in an HTML attachment is never a good thing, and can
always be blocked?

I'm surprised it took them this long to start doing this, or at least
reaching my systems.

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